Saturday, March 24, 2012

SAL progress week 1

So the doggies got dropped off at the framers this morning, and after picking myself up off the floor after finding out how much they were going to cost to frame I left them there for their final makeover.  Thank you framer guy for letting me pay off the framing, and thank you dad for not having "special" birthdays every year :)

So last night I started week one of the SAL, I kitted everything up and printed the chart out ready to go.  I really like the design, Joan Elliotts Dream inspirational word from her Bewitching book.

The writing has a lot of purple and pink in it which are my favourite colours and I love butterflies.  So I managed to get week one of the SAL done last night which was stitching all the letters. 

I used a very light blue aida for it which is really stepping out of my comfort zone of white or natural coloured!!!  I think it looks lovely though

Right, my son is in bed, it is saturday afternoon, I am curled up in the armchair in front of a dvd with my stitching and hubby has said he will make dinner tonight.....BLISS.  Have  a lovely weekend everyone


The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

That is a lovely design and the purples are gorgeous.

Veronica said...

Lovely start. I look forward to seeing your progress.


ArtsyFartsy Panda said...

I have this pattern :) So nice! It'll look great when it's all done and framed. (*will look awesome in my room* LOL!)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Framing costs wayyy too much money!

Dream looks so vibrant! Love the floss colour!